Microsoft Harbourside Chat is an Asia Pacific branded ID. The first event featured keynote speaker Ahmed Mazhari, President of Microsoft Asia.
The Harbourside Chat name evolved from the typical “Fireside Chat” term. The harbour was to reflect the water bodies associated with Sydney & Auckland Harbours’, where the events would be typically held.
Following on the theme of the harbour, the ident design for this event saw a series of abstract colourful waves developed with the words positioned to be “floating” / buoyant in the waves. These words were connected with the moving line, representing the travels of the keynote speaker coming to the APAC region.
In addition to the event visual identity design, various comprehensive collateral were created including: OFT templates, PowerPoint templates, presentation content design, animated bumpers, lower thirds, countdown timers, and a large scale printed fabric frame media wall.
ClientMicrosoft AustraliaServicesArt Direction, Ident Design, Presentation Design, Digital & PrintYear2024